Visa Guides

How to Convert Visitor Visa to Work Permit in Canada 2024

Canada is pleased to announce that, visitors will have the extraordinary opportunity to convert their visitor visa into a work permit without the need to depart the country. This distinctive policy, which will continue to operate, provides individuals with the means to investigate employment prospects while currently present in Canada. This article provides a concise and clear manual on effectively managing this procedure so that your visit can be transformed into a productive endeavor.

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How to Convert Visitor Visa to Work Permit in Canada

Step 1: Find Your Dream Job in Canada

The initial step in the process of acquiring a work permit is to obtain a job offer in Canada that corresponds with your credentials and expertise.

One may utilize a variety of online resources, including job portals, the “Working in Canada” tool, labor market information, and employment banks, to investigate potential opportunities.

An additional pathway worth considering is the utilization of recruitment agencies in Canada for foreign workers, which may be able to facilitate connections with potential employers.

Step 2: Acquire a Job Offer with LMIA or LMIA-Exempt Status

After locating a position that corresponds with your goals, the subsequent course of action entails securing a job offer from an employer that possesses either LMIA (labor market impact assessment) or LMIA-exempt status.

An LMIA is crucial documentation that serves to justify the employment of a foreign worker in situations where there are no qualified Canadian citizens or permanent residents available for the position.

On the contrary, an employer exempt from the LMIA is one that is permitted to hire you without the need for an LMIA. This is generally the case for specific reasons, including provincial nomination programs, international agreements, or Canadian interest categories.

Consult the Approved LMIA Employers in Canada for an exhaustive compilation of authorized and approved LMIA employers in Canada.

Step 3: Applying for Your Work Permit

You are prepared to initiate the procedure for acquiring a work permit once you have received a job offer from an employer exempt from the LMIA. Obtaining this information is possible via paper application or online.

The applicant must submit the following materials: passport, visitor visa, letter of job offer, evidence of funds, and medical exam results. Moreover, payment of the work permit charge is required at this juncture.

Step 4: Optional Interim Work Authorization

Applicants who have maintained a valid work permit for the previous twelve months are eligible to apply for interim work authorization while they await the issuance of their new permit. This enables you to commence your employment with the new employer at an earlier time.

Provide a copy of your prior work permit, the letter of offer for your current position, and proof of payment for the work permit fee in order to commence this procedure.

Benefits Of Canada Visitor Visa:

  • Travel and Tourism: A visitor visa grants individuals the opportunity to travel to Canada with the intention of experiencing its varied landscapes, attractions, and cultural experiences for tourism purposes.
  • Visiting friends and family: The visa allows visitors to spend time with relatives or acquaintances who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This may be especially crucial in the context of family reunification.
  • Participants in special events: Guests may partake in cultural celebrations, marriages, or other special occasions throughout their sojourn.
  • Convenings and Business Conferences: By participating in business conferences, seminars, and meetings that are pertinent to their professional endeavors, individuals can network and collaborate internationally.
  • Medical Intervention: Visitor visas enable individuals to legally enter Canada for medical treatment in certain circumstances.
  • Short-Term Language Courses and Studies: Guests are permitted to enroll in educational programs and language courses with a duration of less than six months.
  • Flexibility in the Length of Stay: Although a visitor visa does impose a set maximum for the length of stay permitted, it is generally quite flexible, permitting brief visits.
  • An Intercultural Exchange: By participating in cultural exchange activities, tourists have the opportunity to both witness the rich diversity of Canadian culture and impart knowledge about their own heritage.
  • Establishing a Secure and Stable Environment: Canada, a nation renowned for its high quality of life, security, and stability, is an appealing location for short-term stays.
  • Facilitating Application: Application procedures for visitor visas are typically uncomplicated, with the exception of brief sojourns. It grants entry to citizens in lieu of undergoing a protracted immigration procedure.
  • A Brief Overview of the Canadian Immigration System: A visitor visa offers individuals contemplating future immigration or extended stays the chance to commence an exploration of Canada while also acquiring a more comprehensive comprehension of the nation’s immigration system.

Applying for a Visitor Visa (TRV) if You’re Outside Canada

In order to commence employment in Canada, individuals who are not currently in the country must submit an application for a visitor visa, which is alternatively known as a temporary resident visa (TRV). A visitor is granted this visa, which authorizes them to visit Canada for a maximum duration of six months.

Visitor Visa Prerequisites for Applications

Follow these procedures to begin the application process for a visitor visa:

  • Submit the online registration along with all mandatory supporting documentation.
  • The visitor’s visa fee must be paid online.
  • Compile biometric information at a specifically designated service point.
  • Await the email containing the visa decision notification.

Online applications for visitor visas can be submitted via the following link: Applying for a Visitor Visa

More Info

After successfully obtaining your visitor visa, you may begin your job search for LMIA-approved or LMIA-exempt positions in Canada.

After securing an appropriate employment offer, the process of applying for a work permit can be initiated in accordance with the steps previously delineated.


The visitor-to-work permit policy implemented in Canada presents an exceptional opportunity for individuals to investigate employment prospects without the necessity of departing the nation. You can achieve a smooth transition from a visitor to an employed worker in the dynamic Canadian environment by adhering to the subsequent procedures outlined below.

  1. Can I change my visitor visa to a work permit in Canada?

    If a candidate has a travel visa, the only way to change it is to re-apply for a Canadian visa with a work permit. If the candidate’s profile meets the eligibility requirements of employment and he or she possesses all valid documents, the immigration department may approve his or her profile for a work visa.

  2. Can I get a work permit with a visitor visa in Canada?

    Normally, visitors can’t apply for work permits from inside Canada. Due to a temporary policy change, visitors can apply online for an employer-specific work permit.

  3. How can I get a work permit in Canada without a job offer?

    Here are some of the main immigration programs that do not require a Canadian job offer: 
    Express Entry. The Express Entry system is responsible for welcoming over 100,000 newcomers to Canada each year. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) that do not require a job offer. Programs with Job Offer Requirements.

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